- How to use the speech dialogue system►
Infotainment►Speech dialogue system►
- How to use the speech dialogue system►
Infotainment►Speech dialogue system►
- Audi connect (infotainment)
- Audi connect (infotainment)►
Infotainment►Speech dialogue system►Commands►
- Global commands
- Global commands►
Infotainment►Speech dialogue system►Commands►
- Map
- Navigating►
Infotainment►Speech dialogue system►Commands►
- Media
- Media►
Infotainment►Speech dialogue system►Commands►
- Natural commands
- Natural commands►
Infotainment►Speech dialogue system►Commands►
- Navigation
- Navigating►
Infotainment►Speech dialogue system►Commands►
- Radio
- Radio►
Infotainment►Speech dialogue system►Commands►
- Telephone
- Telephone►
Infotainment►Speech dialogue system►Commands►