Audi Q5   Controls   Parking aid  Audi parking system
The Audi parking system is an acoustic parking aid.
Sensors are located in the rear bumper. When the sensors detect an obstacle, you are alerted by acoustic signals (beeps). The measuring range of the sensors starts at about:
0.60 m
1.60 m
The acoustic signals sound with increasing frequency as you approach the obstacle. A warning tone will sound continuously when the vehicle is less than approx. 0.30 m away from the obstacle. Stop reversing immediately!
The volume of the warning beeps will be gradually reduced after about 4 seconds if the vehicle remains at a constant distance from a detected obstacle (it will not be reduced if the obstacle is closer than 0.30 m).
The parking aid is switched on automatically when reverse gear is engaged. You will hear a brief acknowledgement tone.
  • The parking aid cannot replace the full concentration of the driver. The driver is always responsible for safety during parking and other manoeuvres.
  • The sensors have blind spots in which obstacles are not registered. It is particularly important to ensure that there are no small children or animals near the vehicle, as the sensors may not always be able to detect them.
  • Always keep a close watch on the area around the vehicle and make full use of the rear-view mirrors.
Please note that low obstacles detected by the system may no longer be registered by the sensors as the car moves closer, so the system will not give any further warning. Certain kinds of obstacles (such as wire fences, chains, thin painted posts or trailer draw bars, etc.) may not always be detected by the system, so take care not to damage the vehicle in such cases.
  • Please refer to the notes on towing Link.
  • You can adjust the volume and pitch of the beeps Link.

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