- Calling
- Call lists
- Call options
- Calls, answering/ignoring
- Calls, ending
- Calls, replacing
- Capacities
- Car care
- Care
- Car keys
- Catalytic converter
- CD
- CD-ROM player (navigation system)
- CD changer 1, 2
- Central locking system
- Cetane number (diesel)
- Chassis number
- Child lock (DVD)
- Child seats
- Cigarette lighter
- Cleaning
- Cleaning and care
- Cleaning vehicle
- Clock 1, 2
- Closed certain times of day
- Closing
- Coat hooks
- Colour code
- coming home
- Compartments
- Compass 1, 2
- Consumption (fuel) 1, 2, 3
- Contact in directory
- Calling (MMI control console)
- Calling (multi-function steering wheel)
- Calling (speech dialogue system)
- Deleting
- Editing 1, 2, 3
- Exporting
- Finding (MMI control console)
- Finding (speech dialogue system)
- Importing 1, 2
- Navigating (MMI control console) 1, 2
- Navigating (speech dialogue system) 1, 2
- New entry
- Control buttons
- Controls and displays
- Controls and displays (overview)
- Convenience key
- Convenience open/close
- Cooling mode (automatic air conditioner)
- Cooling mode (manual air conditioner)
- Cooling system
- Coordinates (navigation)
- Criteria (navigation)
- Cruise control system
- Cup holders
- Current fuel consumption 1, 2, 3
- Cylinders